  ETNC needs financial assistance to effectively

صوت ألأيغور الحزين 

The East Turkestan National Congress ETNC  needs financial assistance to effectively implement the Plan!


                                        Short-term Working Plan

1) Beginning January 2001 a Web-page in English with links in Uyghur, Chinese and Turkish (there are Uyghurs in Germany and Turkey and elswhere who are willing to contribute in Uyghur, Turkish and Chinese. The main English version is being managed from Germany by a Web-master) The English and German version of the Web site is in operation since.March 2001 and could be viewed under: www.eastturkistan.com

 2)Opening of a small office in Washington D.C. along with the Uyghur American Association.The UAA is a member of the Congress. At least with a part-time employee.  

 3)A English language journal( prepared in U.S. and published and distributed in Turkey, to save money).   A quarterly: $4.000 for editorial work annually and  $6.000 for printing and distribution)Our plans and preparations concerning the journal is being finalized.

 4)To continue publication of the "I S T I K L A L " Newspaper (by monthly) which have been in circulation   since April 2000. Add a Russian version of it for the Uyghur youth in Central Asia. Two newspaper bi-monthly, each with a circulation of 5.000 copies: Office and editorial costs $ 12.000   and $10.000 printing and postal costs annually?

 5)Publication of a Turkish language Periodical or Newsbullettin ( In any case we have receptive and friendly  audiance in Turkey and there is a good chance of getting financial support from Turkish people if we do our part of the job ( good propaganda work).   A monthly Bullettin $ 12.000 annually.

 6)To begin work on establishing a research Institute in Almaty to study and produce research papers and books on religious education,Uyghur Culture, Literature, Arts, Music and religious,social and political situation of Uyghurs generally and especially on the so called Chinese “Western development Program” and its concsequences for us, and try to get out some well written atricles in Central Asian and Russian press (written by Russian, Kazakh    Kyrgyz writers by financial incentives). We have highly professional intellectual work force in Central Asian Republics. Many of them are jobless or under financial strains. We must make use of them for the national cause. 

 7) To launch a campaign of seeking membership of as many as NGO's and contacting relevent U.N.     agencies, d both governmental and other international organizations, including Islamic organizations; to attend  in as many as international workshops,Seminars and Conferences.    Communication and Travel costs

 8) Try to help Uyghur refugees (whom in a very desperate situation) in neighboring countries like      Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzistan, Iran, Turkey and elswhere. Launch an international campaign to resettle them    in Western countries .    Some travel and communication costs  The Congress has already engaged . 

9) To expand  the network of  contact person and correspondents

both in East Turkestan and Central Asian Republics to gather information on various issues to distribute to international Media and human Rights organizations.

 10) Hold  a international Seminar or Hearing on religious discrimination and Human rights violations in East Turkestan somwhere in Europe or the U.S. and the so called new „Western Development“ Program.  


 The East Turkestan (Uyghuristan) National Congress  by implementing this program in short and mid-term expects:

 1) Consolidation of ETNC as an international organization representing
Uighur communities around the world. Consolidated ETNC should serve
as the legitimate voice of all Uighur communities around the world.

2) To monitor socio-economic developments in East Turkistan, 
treatment of Uighurs in Central Asian countries,
and political developments in PRC.

3) To inform governments and organizations on violations of human rights
of Uighurs and the mistreatment of Uighurs as an ethnic minority people and
a religious group by the communist government of PRC.
To request from governments and organizations of western and other
countries to express their dissatisfaction with the treatment of Uighurs in PRC
as an ethnic minority people and a religious group.

4) To inform governments and organizations of Muslim countries
on the religious persecutions and restrictions of Muslims in China by
the communist regime of PRC.  To request from governments of Muslim
countries to express their dissatisfaction with the treatment of Uighurs
in PRC as a religious group.

5) To obtain financial and other help from governmental and other
organizations to promote culture, education, health, and economic
development of Uighur communities around the world.

6) To establish working relations with governmental and other
organizations of  Taiwan, Chinese pro-democracy groups, human rights
organizations of Hong Kong, Tibet support groups, and Inner Mongolian

7) To inform the government of PRC regularly and officially on the
dissatisfaction of Uighur communities around the world with the treatment of
Uighurs in PRC.

8) To work towards resolutions by the Islamic Conference, OSCE, the
European Parliament, the Arab League, and the United Nations condemning
China for  its treatment of Uighurs as an ethnic minority people and a
religious group.

  wellcome 41730 ziyaretçiFREE EASTERN TURKİSTAN  
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